CEO Tickler Program Launch

We have lift off! This newsletter marks the launch of the long-awaited CEO Tickler Program - the next step leading to positive change for your credit union, for your staff and for your members. This inaugural edition kick-starts what CU*Answers hopes will be the catalyst for improvements in your business knowledge, CU*BASE expertise, and member relationships.

Lending by the Numbers - Statistics don't lie

One of your primary goals as a credit union leader is to assure your team maintains momentum, even during months when loan numbers are thin. Knowing the day to day spread of your lending portfolio is only part of the story. Being able to report loan balances by period and following trends is one key in communicating to your Board of Directors that you have your eye on the ball.

What coaching activities are you pursuing to drive the numbers? Do you set measurable goals? Do you set a target for number of applications worked? Can you determine the best 'lending' month of the year versus the slowest month of the year? This month's CEO Tickler focus is on your lending results. Are you ready to justify the work against results? CU*BASE has the answers. Do you know where to look?

How do our results compare to the work we're doing? Let's take a look at a few of those numbers this month.

Where will you find the total number of applications your lending team has taken in February?

While you're at it, take a look at your applications, loans booked, and apps denied.

Compare the number of February applications to the number you took in January.

What do the numbers show? Can you find the exact number using the system?

Here's another interesting factor. Compare February and January data.

What was the ratio of booked applications to total applications?

Which one of your Interviewers worked the most applications?

Which interviewer had the greatest percentage of applications declined in February?

How many Internet applications have you taken in February?

Are your online applications keeping pace with your projections?

The Right Questions at the Right Time

Asking the right questions can lead to change, create accountability and make sure people know you are interested in what they do. The design of this "CEO Tickler Program" revolves around the tools you already have on your desktop every day. This program will introduce you to best practices and how to use your CU*BASE application in a capacity which you may be unaware of. In many cases, this program will open opportunities to reacquaint yourself with software features that have been there all along.

Lead the Change

The objectives of this program are fundamental. Lead the change in behavior, establish accountability, and improve financial results. Each newsletter will ask 2 to 5 questions targeted to a specific topic. The challenge for you, as your credit union's leader, is to tap into CU*BASE, your desktop business resource, and answer the questions - or make sure your team knows how to answer the questions. Then watch for next month's edition of the "CEO Tickler newsletter" where we'll give examples of the best places to find the answers from this month's questions.
